You can't finish thinking most them, y'all blush every fourth dimension they talk to you, yous're fantasizing almost your future together... what you accept hither is a crush. In one case you've admitted to that, your next pace is to tell them how yous feel. Telling someone you like them can sound like a daunting experience, and TBH, it is not like shooting fish in a barrel.

That's why Seventeen spoke with Maria Sullivan, dating expert and vice president of, for advice on how to tell someone yous like them in the least awkward way possible. Here are her all-time tips to brand this confession every bit painless as possible. And hey, maybe the adjacent time you'll be back here will be for get-go date ideas!

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Driblet a few hints

If you're feeling extra nervous about revealing your feelings, endeavor hinting at your crush and see how they reply. Brand eye contact, tease them playfully, or send a flirty text. "It can assist diffuse any associated pressure and motivate your beat to consider a relationship with you," says Sullivan.

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Requite yourself a deadline

Hold yourself accountable, Sullivan says. And setting a deadline for yourself to talk to your shell will do but that. Sometimes, your nerves can get the best of yous and you lot might push it off for way too long. If that'south the case, don't be afraid to option a date on your agenda and prepare that personal deadline. The longer you wait, the more time you give yourself to completely overthink the situation and make things even more awks!

Talk to your friends

There's nothing that a pep talk from your bestie can't fix — especially if y'all are feeling unsure of yourself or your feelings. It nearly always helps to talk information technology out with someone, and if they have been in a similar situation before, they can offer some great advice. Your close friends know you better than well-nigh, and can provide just the confidence boost you lot demand. After confiding in them, you're going to be more than ready to tell your beat but exactly how yous experience.

Be confident

This one is plain easier said than done, just conviction and clarity will make a complete divergence in your convo with your crush. "No ane is born an expert at this," Sullivan says. "Even the most seasoned daters have to brace themselves for the potential of rejection."

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Practice what you want to say

A little training never hurts, right? Information technology might experience strange, simply thinking about you want to say, even rehearsing information technology a scrap in your head, could alleviate some pressure when it comes time to disclose your feelings. If you lot prefer taking pen to paper, try writing your thoughts out in a journal or on your telephone. Doing this could help you stay clear and concise when you finally talk to your crush, and maybe fifty-fifty prevent you from saying something y'all regret.

Make information technology like shooting fish in a barrel for them

Keep in mind that although you desire to promise for the best, it'south possible that your beat out might not reciprocate your feelings. TBH, rejection sucks, merely information technology's too a gamble that comes with beingness vulnerable. So when you're sharing your feelings, make certain that you lot don't brand them feel like they have to reply.

"Exist mindful that the person you are telling has an obligation to their ain feelings," says Sullivan. "Set the conversation in a way where he or she knows they have the choice to do what's right for them as well."

Simply too make sure yous're comfy

Y'all're probably too decorated thinking virtually how y'all don't desire to brand them feel weird, merely information technology's super of import that you lot're comfortable, too. And if texting is comfortable for you, do that! Yous might call up texting something and so personal is thoughtless or weird, but Sullivan actually thinks sending a text is totally fine.

"Declaring your feelings via text can remove whatsoever immediate shock from the state of affairs, making it easier for the recipient to provide a meaningful response," she says. "There is no single right manner to go about telling someone how you lot feel and goose egg should be ruled out."

This content is imported from Giphy. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to notice more information, at their web site.

Pick the perfect location

If y'all exercise decide to tell your crush how yous feel IRL, make sure you become the location just right. Y'all likely don't want to confess your feelings in a crowded coffee shop, or blurt information technology out in the hallway between class. Consider where you feel most at ease — possibly on a walk, on the beach, or at the park — and enquire if you two can chat solitary there. A individual or semi-private setting provides the infinite for an open, honest conversation.

Be yourself!

Don't effort to act any differently because you think your crush will you receive you better. If that's the example, and then they are probably not the right person for you anyway! Fretfulness are of course normal, but effort to proceed calm and remain true to who you are — information technology's the best fashion to constitute a meaningful connection.

Consider how you would feel if you d idn't tell them

Sullivan refers to this tactic as testing the "practise cipher" scenario to evaluate if you should fifty-fifty confess your beat. Consider how you'd feel if your crush moved away and never find out how yous felt about them, Sullivan says. "Does the missed opportunity upset yous? If and so, you are probable already too invested not to find out what could be." Remember that doing nothing could lead to even more regret!

This content is imported from Giphy. You lot may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more data, at their web site.

Look at the large picture

The thought of your vanquish albeit they don't feel the same way about y'all can experience AWFUL. Only also call back that it is not the end of the world if you face rejection or indifference — life will get on. "Try to see the big film and scale the trouble downwards to bodily size," Sullivan says.

You have your BFFs, family, canis familiaris, cat... so many companions to dear and be loved by. On to the next!

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Stay positive

While it's of import to consider the realistic possibilities, you should also go on a positive outlook. Your beat could totally reciprocate and you lot could live happily always after (OK, peradventure not, but information technology could happen!).

If y'all don't feel super confident, fake information technology! Smile, stay calm, and say everything you demand to say. "Whether y'all make the move online or offline, smile can trick your brain into lowering your eye charge per unit, reducing stress, and boosting your mood," says Sullivan.

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